While the use of asbestos was banned in the UK by 1999, it poses serious health risks when disturbed or damaged. To ensure the safety of occupants in a building where asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are present, a management plan is necessary.
Here are some essential aspects to include in your asbestos management plan.
Duty holder information
A responsible person for asbestos should be named in your management plan. This is the individual(s) taking on the duty of ensuring asbestos-related safety measures are implemented and maintained in the building. This is sometimes the building owner, employer, landlord or designated person as part of their work role.
Duties include overseeing the development and actioning of the asbestos management plan, ensuring regular assessments and coordinating with experts.

Asbestos register details
Include an asbestos register in your management plan, including the exact location of ACMs in the building. If a survey flags any areas not inspected and should be presumed to contain asbestos, include these too.
The quantity and types of ACMs (if known) should be recorded, such as asbestos insulation, cement, ceilings and floor tiles. You can also add clear and accurate site plans and photographs to help with easy location.
Through an asbestos management survey, assess and record the condition of ACMs, stating whether they’re intact, damaged or deteriorating. The risk associated with asbestos exposure can then be outlined, considering factors like accessibility and likelihood of disturbance.
Planned asbestos work
If any maintenance or repair work involving ACMs is anticipated, it should be clearly documented in your asbestos management plan. Provide a detailed description of the planned work, including the scope, purpose and location of the activity. Schedule this at a time of least disruption to building occupants.
Address the measures taken to isolate the work area and prevent the spread of asbestos fibres. State the contractors or staff responsible for carrying out the work and ensure they’re appropriately trained and licensed.
Document all findings, inspections and monitoring results in your asbestos register for reference and future assessments.
Asbestos monitoring schedule
A robust asbestos management plan will include a monitoring schedule to track and evaluate the condition of ACMs over time. This schedule should encompass regular routine inspections, identifying changes or damage that may require action.
Define the frequency of more thorough re-inspections by a competent asbestos surveyor, especially after any work or maintenance that may have disturbed the ACMs. If applicable, you may also specify a schedule for air monitoring to check asbestos fibre levels are within safe limits during and after asbestos work.
As a minimum, your asbestos management plan, including records and drawings, should be reviewed every 12 months or sooner if there have been any recent changes like building or refurbishment work.
Asbestos education and training – who to tell about asbestos decisions
Asbestos education is essential for effective asbestos management plans, specifying who needs to be informed and trained about asbestos decisions. This will mainly cover anyone who could disturb ACMs and the information and training they need to stay safe.
Ensure building occupants, employees and tenants have asbestos awareness training, including supplying information on the location of ACMs and the procedures to follow in the event of damage or disturbance.
Those responsible for day-to-day maintenance should receive training on safe work practices and asbestos awareness to minimise risks. First responders and emergency personnel will need to be aware of asbestos locations to prevent exposure during emergency situations.
Contractors, service providers or anyone else hired to work on the premises should also be informed about the presence of asbestos and related safety measures. Outline the procedure for this and how it will be actioned before work starts.
Need more asbestos advice? Get in touch
At Goodbye Asbestos, we offer expert services across London, Surrey and beyond, coming out to Fleet, Forest Hill and surrounding locations.
To arrange an asbestos management survey and testing, please get in touch.